Ethics, Probity,
Professionalism Courses

For Doctors, Dentists, Nurses, Midwives, Pharmacists,
all Health Care Professionals

Courses for Healthcare Professionals

Courses for Healthcare Organisations

We exclusively aim to help healthcare professionals and healthcare organisations
in matters relating to Probity, Ethics, Professionalism and Professional Boundaries.

Dr Shehzad Iqbal (Course facilitator) MBBS, MRCS, MRCGP
Postgraduate Certificate in Healthcare Law and Ethics, as part of LLM in Healthcare Law and Ethics, University of Dundee.

CPD UK Registered Courses

We are based in London, UK and registered with the CPD UK. All our courses are assessed and certified by the CPD UK. At the end of each course, you will receive a CPD certificate.

We offer both Online, and face-to-face courses that are run virtually via video-link.

Help with Regulatory Bodies

The healthcare professionals who benefit from our courses include doctors, dentists, nurses, midwives, pharmacists, social workers, osteopaths, chiropractors, opticians & optometrists, psychologists, counsellors, podiatrists, physiotherapists, and other healthcare professionals. These healthcare professionals are regulated by the GMC, GDC, NMC, GPhC, Social Work England, SSSC, GOsC, GCC, GOC, HCPC respectively.


Courses for
Healthcare Professionals

Courses for
Healthcare Organisations

Healthcare Professionals

Our courses are aimed to


Help Healthcare professionals who face a case, inquiry, investigation or fitness to practice with healthcare regulatory body


Refresh your understanding of the ethical
and professional guidance that helps
in daily practice and ensures ethical and professional conduct


Review the expected standards of probity, ethics, professionalism and professional boundaries and avoid a situation of Misconduct and Fitness to practice


Continuous professional development for CPD or appraisal purposes


Do the courses as advised by the supervisor, appraiser or organisation


Help build Insight, Reflection and Remediation in cases where there has been a breach of the expected ethical and professional standards

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Healthcare Organisations

In addition, we also aim to work with healthcare organisations and offer
courses for their staff. These courses help the staff and the organisations to:


their knowledge and understanding of the standards of ethics, probity, professionalism and professional boundaries as set out and guided by their respective regulatory bodies

Feel confident

in appropriately dealing with professional or ethical situations and dilemmas, thus avoiding a complaint or misconduct situation

The healthcare

organisation is helped as the staff is trained and skilled in the ethical, professional and professional boundaries matters

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Overview of our Courses:

In addition, we also aim to work with healthcare organisations and offer

We have dedicated courses for doctors, dentists, nurses, midwives, pharmacists and all healthcare professionals who are regulated by the GMC, GDC, NMC, GPhC, HCPC and also Social Work England, GOC, GOsC and GCC.

These include the following:

Professionalism courses for all health and care professionals including:

  • Professionalism course for doctors who are facing an investigation with the General Medical Council GMC
  • Professionalism course for dentists regulated by the GDC.
  • Professionalism course for NMC nurses helps with cases with their regulator.
  • Professionalism course for midwives
  • Professionalism course for pharmacists regulated by the GPhC.
  • Professionalism courses for healthcare professionals regulated by the HCPC including psychologists, physiotherapists and others.

Ethics courses for all healthcare professionals including:

  • Ethics course for doctors especially those who are facing an inquiry or GMC fitness to practice investigation.
    – Ethics course for dentists is about developing insight into ethical practice, reflect and remediate.
  • Ethics course for nurses to help with understanding the importance of ethics and professionalism in medicine.
  • Ethics course for midwives who are regulated by the NMC.
  • Ethics course for pharmacists including those who face a GPhC investigation or FTP processes.
  • Ethics course for healthcare professionals who are regulated by HCPC to help in an inquiry, investigation or fitness to practice.

Professional boundaries courses for all healthcare professionals including:

  • Professional boundaries for clinicians is an online course for doctors and other healthcare professionals.
  • Professional boundaries face-to-face course is run virtually and is to help those doctors or other health and care professionals who face an allegation or investigation related to professional boundaries.

Probity course for GMC, GDC, NMC, GPhC or HCPC:

Honesty course, and Probity course are offered online and face-to-face for doctors, dentists, nurses, pharmacists and all healthcare professionals. These are especially for those who face an inquiry or fitness to practice investigation by healthcare regulatory bodies like the General Medical Council or Health and Care Professions Council.

Doctors, dentists, nurses, pharmacists and other healthcare professionals are expected to act with honesty, transparency and integrity. A breach of these standards by the GMC, GDC or HCPC can result in investigation.

Fitness to Practice course:

  • For doctors facing fitness to practice processes with GMC.
  • GMC fitness to practice for doctors is a course that helps with fitness to practice cases.
  • GDC fitness to practice course for dentists is an online course and can be completed on our website.
  • NMC fitness to practice for nurses or midwives can be a stressful situation and our courses are here to help.
  • GPHC fitness to practice for pharmacists course is for all pharmacy professionals.
  • HCPC fitness to practice for health and care professionals, including psychologists, physiotherapists or other healthcare professionals are helped by our courses that are offered online and face-to-face.
  • GOC fitness to practice for opticians or optometrists practising in the UK need help and we offer that with our courses.
  • GOsC fitness to practice for osteopaths
  • GCC fitness to practice for chiropractors

Insight course:

Insight in vital for healthcare professionals facing a complaint, inquiry or investigations. Thus we have courses on Insight for doctors, dentists, nurses, midwives, pharmacists, healthcare or health and care professionals. These include:

  • Module on Insight that is an online course
  • Insight, Reflect, Remediate that is a face-to-face course

Reflection course:

Reflection is the foundation of remediation in an inquiry or investigation including fitness to practice. Thus we have courses on reflection for healthcare professionals.

  • Module on Reflection is an online course
  • Reflection Workshop which is run virtually

Remediation course:

Remediation is absolute regulatory requirement for all healthcare professionals. It is key that they demonstrate a similar mistake will not be repeated in future. Our courses include:

  • Module on Remediation as an online course
  • Remediate, Insight, Reflect is an easily accessible face to face course as it is run online
  • Ensure a similar mistake or misconduct will not be repeated in future

Medical Ethics course:

Medical Ethics course for doctors, dentists, nurses or midwives, pharmacists and healthcare professionals is an essential  course to demonstrate to the GMC, GDC, NMC, GPhC or HCPC full understanding of the healthcare ethics principles.

Professional Ethics course:

Professional ethics course for healthcare professionals including doctors, dentists and nurses is about understanding and remediating ethics related allegations.

Dealing with a Complaint or Investigation courses:

We also have courses on dealing a complaint or an investigation. These include How to Deal with a Complaint and How to avoid an Investigation. These equip healthcare professionals with the skills and knowledge to effectively manage as well as avoiding such situations including the fitness to practice.

Other courses:

A number of other courses are also hosted our website. These include the following:

  • Privacy, Consent and Chaperone course to help doctors and other healthcare professionals ensure they comply with the standards of consent and chaperone in their practice.
  • Teamworking course that focuses on working in communication and collaboration as a team. This helps to ensure patients are safe and best care is provided.
  • Prescribing course for doctors and other healthcare professionals that details the guidance and standards that are set out by the GMC and other healthcare regulators to ensure safe and professional prescribing practices.
  • A course on Rebuilding Trust of patients, public and healthcare regulator as trust is the foundation of medical and healthcare professions.
  • Communication course for doctors, dentists, nurses, pharmacists and health and care professionals is essential for CPD purposes. It also helps in remediation where the case is about shortcomings in effective communication.
  • Documentation course for healthcare professionals including those regulated by the GMC, NMC, GDC or HCPC aims to help with effective documentation and remediate.
  • Professionalism in use of Social Media that is about ensuring responsibility, confidentiality and professional boundaries when using various social media platforms.
  • Financial integrity and conflict of interest course that helps to ensure honesty and integrity in financial dealings as healthcare professionals.
  • Confidentiality course for dentists, doctors and other healthcare practitioners that refreshes the guidelines and regulations related to ensuring patient confidentiality.
  • Ensuring dignity, diversity and non-discrimination is another helpful course that is offered on the website.

All courses are certified by the CPD UK and a certificate is issued at the end of each course. Contact us for help if you have an inquiry.


I just wanted to inform you that following attending this course in July and facing my…. Hearing in December, I am now fully restored to the Register ….without any restrictions. I want to express my profound gratitude for your help and support from the course to make this possible.
I feel very confident about my own case now and look forward to reflecting on this course in great detail. I now feel more confident about insight and how to show complete insight to the tribunal panel. I think this course would also benefit people who are NOT part of GMC investigations because it is a good recap of ethics, probity and Good Medical Practice, which all doctors of all grades would benefit from, especially as part of revalidation/appraisals. Thanks again.
..the course was excellent….thoroughly explained why probity is important and we had frank discussions about the mistakes that I had made and why they were dangerous to my patients. He also advised me on how I could present myself and improve the chances of having my license restored … I am truly grateful for this course and it was worth every penny that it cost.
..the course was excellent….thoroughly explained why probity is important and we had frank discussions about the mistakes that I had made and why they were dangerous to my patients. He also advised me on how I could present myself and improve the chances of having my license restored … I am truly grateful for this course and it was worth every penny that it cost.
I feel more confident to prepare for my panel. I feel that I can provide a better reflections of my case
I am extremely grateful for the course as it has immensely enabled me in gaining improved understanding of insight and remediation towards completing my portfolio. I wish I had attended this prior to my initial Fitness Hearing as it would have made all the difference.
LO, Pharmacist
Best course I have ever done
Excellent. Please continue. Very interactive, gave chance to ask questions. Very well presented.
Excellent course and delivery. Would recommend
The course was very relevant to my case and I recommend it to anybody who has a dishonesty query.
Nurse AO